24 October 2007

sunday evening adressed

0, how incomprehensible everything was, and actually sad, although it was also beautiful. One knew nothing. One lived and ran about the earth and rode through forests, and certain things looked so challenging and promising and nostalgic: a star in the evening, a blue harebell, a reed green pond, the eye of a person or a cow. And sometimes it seemed that something never seen yet long desired was about to happen, that a veil would drop from it all; but then it passed, nothing happened, the riddle remained unsolved, the secret spell unbroken, and in the end one grew old and looked cunning … or wise … and still one knew nothing perhaps, was still waiting and listening.
- Hermann Hesse

a friend of mine read this to me the other night when i really needed to hear it, all i could say was "that's what i’ve been trying to say." this quote verbalizes the intangible emotions that i can only taste, smell, feel, hear, and see but cannot express which send me into a frantic need for "a need beyond needs for familiarity" as alex would say. there is still so much that is possible. a promise for excitement, an opportunity for the unexpected, a memory that becomes nostalgia, the past becoming impluses and the dream that the present could also be as fourtunate, but "still one knew nothing perhaps, was still waiting and listening." thanks faye.

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